Make your personal appointment at Teddy Station up to an hour long.

Make your personal appointment at Teddy Station up to an hour long where most of our bears are up out of reach or in glass cabinets.
Or please call 07846932180 for more information.

We wanted to put your minds at rest with the new safety measures that we have put in place for our Soft Opening from Monday 15th June. These changes are for your safety and ours.

To start with it will be by appointment only. Please keep to one or two for your visit where possible.

All areas will be regularly cleaned and sanitized.

Hand sanitizer will be provided on entrance, and optional disposable face masks upon request.

Gloves will be used to add extra care for our teddies. You will be provided with free disposable gloves.

The 2 metre rule will be observed at all times.

You will have the shop to yourself and will be able to roam around and look for new friends.
Once you have chosen your pieces we will place them on a viewing table.

You can then remove you gloves and have a closer look and feel their fur.

If these pieces do not go home with you, they will then go into quarantine for the day.
Our advice is that the virus does not survive on a soft surface, but better to play safe.

When you are ready to purchase you can safely come to the till area behind our protective screen to make payment.

Your new friends will be placed into bags for their journey home with you.

Shopping will be a little different for a while for everyone, but we still have to Stay Safe and Alert!

Appointments are now being taken, so please contact us to book your slot time.
